Showing posts with label BANNERS BROKER SYSTEM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BANNERS BROKER SYSTEM. Show all posts

Upgrades and Roll-Ups Banners Broker

What is a banners broker upgrade?
Many people join banners broker with a particular package and after doing some research, they realize that they should have bought a higher package.
So taking this human trait into consideration, banners broker has give a limited time window in which new people who have purchased a package, can upgrade their package to a higher package.
This time limit is 3 weeks from the date of first purchase.
You can upgrade multiple times but it has to be done within that 3 week period.
Everyone realizes sooner or later that buying a higher package is more beneficial because you get higher value complimentary panels, which you wont receive at any other time after your initial package purchase. So if you wanna make the most out of free stuff, the initial purchase is the time to do it. After that, you wont get stuff for free.
Personally, I bought a green package when I started. Then I realized what I had done and upgraded to a red package. Now, I’m regretting it again because I didn’t upgrade to a black instead.
So if you have the means, go for the highest package you can afford.

Banners Broker Roll-Up

Roll-Up is something optional which you may want to do after you weigh up the options as to which state is more beneficial.
If you have 3 panels of the same color, you can elect to swap all of them for one of the next higher color.
If you ever wanna do this, go to Purchase >> Roll Up Panels and then perform the action. But, make sure it’s worth doing before taking this step.
There is a little more to roll-ups which I will discuss in another section.
That’s all for the banners broker breakdown. Hopefully, you now have enough information to execute your business with enough knowledge to see you through.
If you wish to make the most of your money and time, then look at the strategies section. This section is only available to those that have signedup through this site.

Congratulations on working with Banners Broker.

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Banners Broker Traffic Bank


The Banners Broker Traffic Bank is just another place within your back office which gives you some useful information.

You can get most of the same information from your normal panels page but here, it’ll break things down a little further.
To get to your traffic bank, click on the Traffic Bank menu option.
You will be presented with a breakdown of the traffic hits you have bought or accrued.
We have covered this in a previous lesson but I’ll give you a short summary here.
First look at the Traffic Bank image in your back office.
The Total Traffic figure is the total amount of traffic hits you have acquired with either traffic packs or sales credits (or organic traffic).
The General Traffic figure tell you how much traffic you own, through buying traffic packs.
The colored panels to the right, break down the traffic you have acquired through sales credits. They are broken down into the panel they have been allocated for.
If you have both traffic pack traffic and sales credit traffic in your traffic bank, the system will use the sales credit traffic first when qualifying panels.
The area below the top line contains 4 tabs. This breaks down your traffic into a pie chart so you can visually see how much traffic you own via traffic packs, sales credits and via organic traffic.
If you select a particular tab, you will get further information in the lower section detailing exactly where and how that traffic came from. In the image above, you can see that the sales tab has been selected and the detailed breakdown shows the person who bought and qualified panels of his own, thereby sending me sales credits.
Each of the tabs will give you similar information.

Other than the detailed breakdown, you can pretty much get the same information from your normal panel view by looking at the traffic figures on top.
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Membership Levels


When you join banners broker, you will normally join at the standard membership level unless you choose to go for premium membership right away.

The standard membership costs $15 every month while the premium membership costs $100 every month.
It stands to reason that if you will be paying $100 every month for being a premium member, you should be getting additional benefits. This is true. I’ll explain the benefits between the 2 memberships now.
We have covered traffic packs and traffic boosters in previous lessons so you should be able to understand the table above.
You can see that you can only use traffic packs and traffic boosters up to and including the green panel with the standard membership.
Furthermore, you can only use one traffic pack per month on the standard membership.
But, the moment you buy a second traffic pack within a 30 day period, you will automatically be upgraded to the premium membership and you will have to pay the premium membership price, which is currently set to $100/month.
Since traffic boosters are rarely used below the green panel anyway, you don’t need to worry about that aspect. But the premium membership booster price becomes cheaper when you need to buy them, especially in bulk.
Currently, the standard membership price is $8 while the premium price is $5 per traffic booster.
As your business grows and you have many greens, reds and blacks, pretty soon you will need more traffic packs and traffic boosters. At that time, the premium membership will actually be an advantage for you rather than sticking with the standard membership. In any case, you can’t avoid the premium membership once you buy more than one traffic pack within 30 days.
Make sure you have enough money in your eWallet account to cover these monthly admin fees.
Currently, you have to remember the renewal date and pay banners broker monthly, manually. It is hoped that banners broker will introduce automatic payments very soon.
Additional fees you need to consider are the traffic pack fees. Once you buy a traffic pack(s), you are committed to buy that amount every month from there onwards. Each traffic pack is $50.

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Traffic Packs & Traffic Boosters


What is Traffic?

'Traffic' in the online world is people or visitors who come to a particular website or view and then click on a particular advertisment on a website. In terms of advertising and what Banners Broker do, the more traffic an advert receives then the more likely that advert will make money for the advertiser.
In Banners Broker we purchase panels (a visual representation of online advertising space), and these need to be qualified with traffic. Qualifiying a panel simply means we need to send traffic to the panel so that the advertiser receives people looking at the advertisment. In other words, by qualifiying a panel, you are guaranteeing that the advertisment will receive a set amount of visitors.

How to get Traffic?

There are currently three ways to obtain traffic to qualify your panels and therefore earn revenue. Two of these options are Traffic Packs and Sales Credits (see Sales Credits section). The third option - Organic Traffic - is relatively new and still being developed by Banners Broker. Once this becomes a firm option, further details will be added by the Enterprise Team.

Traffic Bank

You can view your traffic bank totals by navigating to Traffic Bank. Your Traffic Bank contains the total amount of traffic that has been accumulated through referrals and traffic packs.
The image abvove shows a total traffic accumulation of 317,510 hits. This can be broken down into 2,510 of general traffic (paid for in the form of traffic packs) and the colours to the right show sales credits. The traffic listed in these colours can only be applied to the corresponding colour panel. i.e the purple value of 22,500 hits can only be applied to qualify a purple panel. General traffic can be applied to any coloured panel.
Qualifying a panel reduces your traffic balance by the amount that the panel requires to be qualified i.e qualifiying a blue panel will reduce your traffic bank balance by 45,000. Sales credit traffic will always be used first when qualifying a panel before any general traffic. Sales credit traffic can also be mixed with general traffic i.e the image above shows 22,500 in the blue section. As a blue panel requires 45,000 hits to be qualified, the software will deduct the 22,500 from the blue section and the remaining 22,500 from general traffic (although that would not be possible in the image above).

Traffic Packs

The most common method of gaining traffic is to buy a Traffic Pack from Banners Broker. As Banners Broker is a banner advertsiing and traffic generation company, they can drive traffic to your active panels.
Most people qualify their panels by buying traffic packs as it is the easiest method. One traffic pack costs $50 and will provide 100,000 hits into your traffic bank under general traffic (can be used to qualify any panel). Traffic packs are a monthly comitment and once you buy one pack, the system will automatically buy you another one on the same day each month. Buy two, and the system will automatically buy you two packs on the same day every month. Traffic packs can be purchased by navigating to Purchase >> Traffic Packs.
As a standard member, one traffic pack per calender month is the maximum that can be purchased before being automatically upgraded to premium membership. Premium membership is $100 a month so ensure that there is sufficient funds in your eWallet and that your account is at a level where it can sustain a minimum of $200 (2 x traffic packs and $100 membership) being deducted every calender month. As a general rule, most banners broker members purchase one traffic pack per month for about six months. At that time your account should have grown to a level where it can self-sustain the larger monthly deductions. It is of the upmost importance to grow the number of traffic packs you purchase proportionally with the size of your banners broker account. Buying too many traffic packs too soon will lead to a negative eWallet ballence. If you require help or advice in setting up your account to acehieve this level, please contact The Enterprise Team.

Traffic Boosters

As detailed in the 'Panels' section of this website, each panel will earn revenue until a set total where the money will then be paid into your eWallet. The higher the panel value, the longer it will take to complete. Average panel completion times along with how many traffic boosters each panel requires are below.
panel completion time - banners broker
Traffic Boosters are a simple way of reducing the time taken for panels to complete by 20%. Traffic boosters can be purchased by navigating to Purchase >> Traffic Boosters. As a standard member, traffic boosters cost $8. Premium members receive a discount of 37.5% and one traffic booster therefore costs $5. Each panel requires a certain number of traffic boosters to reduce its completion time by 20%. Traffic boosters can be purchased at any time and at any quantity. Unlike traffic packs, there is no monthly commitment. Traffic boosters can only be applied to panels qulified by sales credits if the account is a standard account. Premium members can apply traffic boosters to panels qualified by any means.
The amount of traffic boosters you own can be seen by navigating to Manage Inventory >> View Panels. The number of traffic boosters you have can be seen adjacent to the total traffic figure. It is common not to have any boosters stored as it is more efficient to buy the exact number of traffic boosters required and then apply them to the panels immediately.
Although traffic boosters can be applied to any panel at any time, the Enterprise Team recommend that they are only applied to green panels and above and are only applied at the time of qualifying the panel. The 20% reduction in completion time starts from when the booster is applied. Applying the required boosters to a green panel that has already been qualified for six weeks will only reduce the time it has left before completion by 20% and not reduce its total completion time by 20%.
The table below shows the total cost of applying a traffic booster to ea

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